The Magic Whack

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Bish Bish Bish Bish Dick

I wonder if I'm included in the 'ranting 6' or 'six and a half' or 'ranting 437' or whatever number it is now that Glenn Bishop goes on about. Is he surprised that people pick on him?

Put yourself in the public eye and act a total cunt and you will get picked on. And when you lie out your arse about your achievements and how you've made it, you're going to get flamed even more.

I've not blogged too much about this talking colostomy bag, mainly because the other bloggers pretty much have it covered and Glenn Bishop isn't all that significant really. But he keeps trying to make out he's a big shot who should be listened to and then gives really bad advice. Magicians of any experience spot this and just ignore the muppet, but there's a chance that some younger less experienced magician with a really low IQ might just believe the rubbish he comes out with.

Some of what he writes is true, which makes matters worse. Because the tendancy is for most people to read something they know to be true and then blindly accept that what follows is true as well.

Bish's blatently appauling advice on writing press releases is one such example and Andy the Magic Circle Jerk picked up on that quickly as did others.

Here's some others:

1) Go read Glenns explanation of an effective web site. In that he tells of effective his site is and yet his site has no contact information on it at all. I am of course assuming that he doesn't have a site other than If he does it certainly isn't found on a google search - something that any so-called marketing expert would ensure happened.

"For me it is mostly about marketing to prospects. I target mail to mailing lists of both suspects and prospects. The people or the prospects go to my web site when they have an event in mind. And they need an entertainer for that event."

And you do that with a web site that has no mailing list sign up, no contact details and can't be easily found on search engines do you?

2) His narrow minded view points on audiences...

Audiences today have only interest in watching the highlights. Anything else is often boring to them. And because they are so used to TV and having the remote to change the channel when they want to. They can get board easily.

Then why do so many still go to the theatre, why do many enjoy long epic movies? Even in this modern culture movies like Lord of the Rings do well and they aren't highlight reels. The whole TV culture thing has a little truth in it, but its a dumb generalization to say that audiences find anything but quick snippets boring. The real truth is that audiences find the majority of magicians boring because they are.

3) What the fuck is he on about in the post about 'the move' used to deal cards onto the table. He's not even talking second deals here - just dealing into a neat pile and how there should be a fucking DVD done on it - retard.

4) Look at this pearl of wisdom...

I remember being in the magic shop and a magician walked in and said. “You know all you need to do to make a name for yourself in magic is to write 6 books. They don’t even have to be good books but that will make your name in magic”.

He goes on to say that because what is good and bad in magic is only opinion. Yes it is, but if you put out six books of utter shit, even the most gullible sucker is going to notice. Whoever that man was - was wrong.

That is one of the reasons that there is so much published in books and video’s in magic. Self publishing is a promotion.

So the blog looks like its showing you how to be a worker. I fail to see how having 6 really shit books published is going to get you work in bars, at parties, etc? What is this guy on?

That is not the reason so much is published. The reason is that dealers want new shit to churn out to put cash in the bank. There a lot of suckers in the world of magic and the dealers know it. They also know they can take a turd and make it sound like a winner with good ad copy. That is why there's so much being published now.

5) Fuck this. Go read the blog at for yourself. If you can't see this guy is a fucking liar who knows little about good PR and getting shows then you should probably quit now.

Let's get onto some other stuff...

How many times does Bish seem to imply that you're no good if you're not doing shows or don't have a DVD out?

Many magicians are hobbiests. I don't think theres anything wrong with that. Many magicians are great performers but don't create original material and don't want to put out a DVD because they realize there's fuck all value in a DVD full of other peoples tricks - if you bought the Bill Malone DVD's you'd know that.

Summary: From what I have observed, Glenn Bishop is a liar. He seems to be a wannabe that hasn't 'made it'. He just thinks he's famous because he posts on the Cafe about how wonderful he is. He's been busted lieing on numerous occasions and even had his own games back-fire on him. I somehow expect that there is nothing new in any of the stuff he's put on DVD or in print. But I'd love to be proved wrong. So if Glenn wants to send me one of his books I'll review it honestly. It'll have to be a pdf though - I'm not giving that guy my mailing address, he comes across as slightly unhinged to me and my mommy warned me about people on the internet like that.



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