Keep it real.
Here is what he said about Magic Mafia's blog closing down (thanks to google cache)...
MM and I are as far apart on the political spectrum as possible, but I have always respected his writing as honest and heartfelt, even as I've disagreed with some of it. I hope he rethinks his decision to quit. We need dissenting voices. Not a one of us is always right. In any event, MM, you were a delight to read. I wish you success in whatever your next venture will be.
Just a few days before he raved about how he'd managed to keep the blog going for one year and how it was the blogs anniversary, etc.
And yet regardless of his sense of achievement, or his disapproval of the vanishing of MM, it took only a couple of anonymous bloggers to make the odd fat joke (not even directed at him) and he pulled the plug and ran off whimpering.
If you write anything on the internet that gets read, you run the risk of someone picking on you. That applies whether you post on a forum like Magic Cafe, an Amazon store like Genii or you write a blog.
But after taking all of this into consideration; someone called Danny called me an asshole in a comment to one of the blog posts here. As a result I have developed clinical depression, gone totally crazy and now have no choice but to close this blog and delete it. Ohhh wait, my mistake, I have self esteem, a life outside of "blog-land" and a good woman who services my magic wand - I can handle the insult.
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