The Magic Whack

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Such a cl*v*r way of not expo**ng sec**ts.

Am I the only one that doesn't understand why magicians at the cafe (and I'm sure it probably happens on other forums) think that putting lots of *****'s in things is a good way of hiding a secret?

And what are they really hiding anyway?

Look at this post: Link!

What are these people thinking?

Someone wants to discuss Maven's Minds Eye Deck, but rather than refer to shorter cards they say "s*****r cards". Is this an attempt to hide the secret of the deck? If so, who from? I don't think lay people really bother to go to these magician forums to learn secrets unless they really have no life, and lay people wouldn't know what the Minds Eye Deck is anyway unless some dippy magician has done it for them and said "And now ladies and Gentlemen - the Minds Eye Deck trick".

So I can only guess it's because they think it would be unfair to tip the gaff which might lead magicians to make their own deck. But unless you understand the other construction aspects of the deck, such as what all the pictures are, and how the lines of a glimpsed image help you to know the 'thought of' image, telling a magician it uses long and short cards won't help them much anyway.

Then someone else comes in and refers to a Sv*****i deck. Well what the fuck could that be?

I doubt there are many magicians who couldn't work that clever description out, and now they know for sure that the discussed trick uses long and short cards, which means the pathetic attempts to hide such important words as "Paper Cutter" have been in vein anyway.

I guess Cafe policy is that it's OK to expose any marketed trick as long as you put lots of *'s into words that only magicians will understand?

"Hi guys, I just been playing around with Silver Shifter and am having problems swit**ng the rubb** ben*y coin for the real one. Any advice? Also my audience totally notice that the feke coin looks like sh*t."

I don't think they are exposing anything, but they wouldn't be exposing anything of importance if they did say 'short cards', 'paper cutter', 'Svengelli', etc. So dumping lots of **'s in what they think are key words is just self important crap. And even if they were discussing methods - it's a forum for magicians!



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