The Magic Whack

Monday, July 10, 2006

Party time chop cup!

Yes summer is here so someone thought "a spun aluminium or copper cup looks out of place at a party" and decided what we needed is a tumbler like the kind you use at a party. Here's what old Hank beardlikejesus Lee says about it...

Nothing says “Summer” like the Party Time Chop Cup Tumbler. It’s a real plastic
tumbler nicely made into a Chop Cup. Great for the strolling magi. This
custom-quality prop blends perfectly with backyard barbeques, picnics, outdoor
parties and other informal settings where your audience might think another type
of Chop Cup looks out of place.Comes with two 3/4" crochet balls.
What a great idea - and no one will care that NONE of the other tumbers at the party look like the green shitty cup you've plucked out of your pocket will they? And in a stunning display of genius they've included regular red crochet balls just like the ones everyone has laying about their house.

$forty-fucking-five bucks. Watch the suckers get in line and snap them up.



  • Dear Mr Whack
    As a sucker I deeply resent your suggestion that I will be tempted to buy this unadulterated garbage from Hank Lee.
    Your comments would be better directed at fuckwits and shit-for-brains.
    Thank-you for your future consideration.

    By Blogger Lazy, at 6:48 AM  

  • Hey hold on just a minute !!!

    I've got shit for brains and I wouldn't buy this either.

    Its them fuckwits I tell ya.

    They'd buy anything.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:57 PM  

  • Fuckwit here.

    Sorry, but no way am I'm buying one of those.

    I bet Glenn Bishop has one...

    By Blogger The Smiling Mule, at 6:11 AM  

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