The Magic Whack

Friday, May 06, 2005

Michael Bairefoot - fuckwitt.

Michael Bairefoot is dumber than I thought. In a recent post I referred to the demo clip I'd watched on Penguin Magic. All the way through that post I said "from the demo this looks like..."

So why did cuntface send this email?

Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 00:13:19 EDT
Subject: Bairefoot

Thanks for buying my DVD.

Michael Bairefoot

Do I really come across as the kind of fuckwitt who would waste real cash on a shitty dvd like yours Michael? On the most part I wouldn't need it since I learnt most of those tricks from the originators that you stole from. Not once in my post did I say I had bought it - learn to read you thick fuck.



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