The Magic Whack

Thursday, April 21, 2005

MagicWhack tackles some more...

OK here's some more issues I've been asked to clean up...

aguijonmagico said...

My view is that many debates are born from a set list of questions, always asked time after time in every magic forum. So, I will list the questions, which are the root of those debates...

Can we use cards in mentalism...or not?

Kenton Knepper tries to pretend this is a controversial issue if you read his rantings on online-visions. It's not.

I also don't see why it's discussed on forums as much as it is.

If you are comfortable doing mentalism with cards then fucking do it. If you're not - don't.

How Am I suppose to dress?

In a short skirt, tight top with a push-up bra, stockings, suspenders, high heels. Well that's if you're an attractive girl magician, because girls are no good at magic so if you're going to perform you better give us some eye candy and make out we might get to fuck you if we watch you do tricks.

If you can't figure out how to dress for a show - you're not ready to perform.

How much should I charge?

If you have to ask this question then not fucking much, maybe a dime or two.

If you are serious about performing and are good - do some research of your own. Asking in a magic forum isn't research, it's lazyness and a good chance for all the ego driven dicks in the forum to lie about how much they make.

First time gig on table hopping. What tricks should I do?

Again if you don't know - you are not ready to perform for money. In fact you're not ready to perform for real people even if you're doing it for free.

Is the pass necessary?

It beats me too why this gets asked on forums. If the pass is really the most efficient solution then use it. If it's not then don't. Sadly a lot of 'respected' magicians harp on and on about 'the pass' and in most cases they use it when it's not necessary and do so only because if they do they can rant about how fucking good they are.

If you're Richard Kaufman then it's necessary - your life would be meaningless without it.

Are stage magicians real magicians, or the real magic is in close up?

Reality check: There is no such thing as real magic. Magicians do tricks.

Where do I learn street magic?

Learn tricks, do them on the street - you just learnt street magic.

The bigger trick is learning how to be a good street performer. Most of the dicks on forums don't have a personality and so are going to die on their butts on the street.

What is 'street magic' anyway? In most cases it's close up tricks that can be done without a table and is for performers who don't want to be paid much, if anything.

If you don't want to learn to be a good street perfomer then learn to juggle black tiger cards about and look like a prick. That seems to be the accepted alternative.

Videos or books?

Niether. Use DVD's.

The real answer is - use what's good for you. But for fuck sake if you're going to learn from video/dvd - learn the trick then turn the video off and go practise it, alter it to suit your own style and make it look natural in your own hands and come up with your own patter. I was at a magic club meeting not so long ago and this new kid comes up to me and does a few tricks. He actually did them really well, but when he performed his accent changed and he sounded just like Micheal Ammar. I said "you learn that from easy to master card tricks?" and he said "yeah how did you guess?"

it's ok to fool people?

What the fuck is this question? If you're not fooling people you're not doing magic, either that or you've learnt a load of tricks by Mike Maxwell.

is cold reading ethical?

No but it's profitable.

how do I manage hecklers?

Most hecklers aren't professional and don't require management or agents. But if you are going to manage them, make sure you have them sign an iron clad contract. I doubt there's any money in it though, most you'll be on is 15% and hecklers don't generally get paid. 15% of nothing is nothing.

Is it ok to steal an effect I've watched?

Yes. If you work out a method - go for it. But don't steal someone else's routine or patter.

What is misdirection?

If you don't know this - get off the magic forums. Go fucking learn something about magic and then come back.

What is magic?

See 'what is misdirection'.

I'm starting to learn card magic, what should I read?


It's ok to download from emule the latest DVD and books?

Is it ok to walk into your local magic shop and steal whatever you want? Is it OK to steal a car? Is it ok to steal anything?

Who invented collectors, Roy Walton or Marlo?

Roy Walton.

What do I do if someone ask me how did I do it?

Say 'very well' haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa. Ohhh that line is so fucking hilarious.

How do I approach a table?

I usually find walking works quite well. If you run towards it you could trip and knock shit flying everywhere and that isn't very professional.

Can we learn magic from internet? (meaning sites, forums, not downloading videos, duh).

Not if the only forum you use is the cafe. Although you can figure out some methods if you can br*ak the*r spec*al cod* where they put st**s in words.

How do you define exposure?

Flopping your cock out in front of your audience and saying "How's that for a magic wand".

Who is right: The Magic Cafe, or the blog people?



P.S. I've left a couple off his list as they need more in depth answers!


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